Novateur (1)
I think you threatened
your coworker at FedEx
maybe that was it
but I still have your emails
I reread them sometimes
my heart bleating out
I still don’t understand
why you sent me death threats
fake acid wrapped
in soviet propaganda papers
I pictured you chasing me
around with a butter knife
sharpened to a green tip
driving your grandma-colored car
a testament to November
locking my car doors
outside of the pizza shop
after the oven’s conveyor belt
came to a stop
and I triple checked the doors
the parking lot
always empty
Novateur (2)
but I still have your emails
always empty
your coworker at FedEx
I think you threatened
outside of the pizza shop
and I triple checked the doors
I pictured you chasing me
around with a butter knife
after the oven’s conveyor belt
I still don’t understand
why you sent me death threats
sharpened to a green tip
the parking lot
came to a stop
a testament to November
I reread them sometimes
fake acid wrapped
in soviet propaganda papers
driving your grandma-colored car
my heart bleating out
locking my car doors
maybe that was it
Novateur (3)
locking my car doors
your coworker at FedEx
in soviet propaganda papers
I still don’t understand
driving your grandma-colored car
around with a butter knife
the parking lot
I reread them sometimes
and I triple checked the doors
a testament to November
I pictured you chasing me
I think you threatened
but I still have your emails
fake acid wrapped
outside of the pizza shop
came to a stop
sharpened to a green tip
always empty
maybe that was it
why you sent me death threats
my heart bleating out
after the oven’s conveyor belt
Novateur (4)
in soviet my car doors
your at coworker FedEx
propaganda locking papers
around understand
driving grandma-colored your car
I still with don’t a butter knife
the doors lot
I them reread sometimes
the parking I and triple checked
threatened to November
I chasing you pictured me
I think a you testament
the pizza shop your emails
fake wrapped acid
outside of I but still have
empty a stop
sharpened green a to tip
always to came
maybe was that it
conveyor belt death threats
my bleating heart out
after the why oven’s you sent me
Novateur (5)
triple wrapped a you too
I heart coworker soviet
FedEx locking green
doors still
papers checked propaganda eye
November them emails the green it I
driving to triple
to a sharpened after
green the eye with lot I
car car testament
driving shop oven’s the parking
your scent the at outside
car November came tip belt
death testament wrapped
it around a with round the
you parking tip
he the two sent out
why rapped death
checked conveyor heart worker
why me knife you
out bleating death soviet
grandma-colored car maybe papers the after eye